Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Coffee Break with Susan Parker

Coffee break

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Brent Hunsberger of the Oregonian talked with our own Susan Parker about her background, Frank's relocation to Portland and "what's next" in his weekly column titled Coffee Break.

Here's a little something-something from the article.

Why move? Portland is the epicenter of the outdoor, athletic and sustainability industry, and the outdoor segment is poised for explosive growth, like athletic wear was in the '80s and action sports in the '90s. "The game is just actually starting in outdoor," she said. "We don't know who the big players are going to be. It's just starting to bubble up. That's why I'm here.

"Outdoor brands are either going to get their marketing act together and take advantage of it . . . or they're going to allow others to take over."
Oregonian - April 8, 2008. Read more here.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Jill's Birthday!

I know, I know...we haven't posted in a LOOONG while. But c'mon...we did just move up the coast, unpack our entire office, and of course actually had to do a LOT of work... I promise a big update soon, but till then...


(Cupcake decorations courtesy of T. Storie)